About Me

I’m someone who has enjoyed a lifelong connection with hands on work. My career as a woodworker began in our small family Carpentry & Joinery workshop based in South West England during 1990’s on a site we had traded from since the 1930's. Here I began my formal apprenticeship where I learned how to use both hand and power tools along with fixed machinery. That approach to working with wood has not changed although we have moved to a more modern premises.

Through hard work from myself and others around me and a sincere respect of our craft we combine to make quality pieces of architectural joinery, restoration work, built in furniture, furniture.

As a child I was lucky to spend holidays with family, but not always the typical settings. My maternal grandparents were tenants on a remote hill farm. Being alongside them exposed me to skills such as laying hedges, hanging gates and looking after stock. My paternal grandparents had a garden with neighboring woods where I would build camps. I would also go to work with my father and assist or hinder depending on your perspective on children at work!

I became interested in the roots of my craft and began researching older methods of work, designs and actively practicing them outside of my working day. It’s amazing how many traditional methods are the same or transfer well into modern work.

My desire to create this website, woodworking blog and YouTube videos is to share what have learned since my early beginnings as an apprentice, what I have learned within a professional setting and what I continue to discover. I was also fortunate to contribute to Popular Woodworking Magazine website. However my aim is to plough my own furrow. I am not sponsored, I don’t sell advertising and I don’t collect and sell your data.